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Exit Lessons – Maximizing Your Business Exit Strategy

Exit Lessons

Small Business Exit Lessons, Shahri Naghshineh, Exit Lessons, Small Business

Shahri Naghshineh

Small Business Exit Lessons

Discover the art of business exit strategies tailored for small business tech entrepreneurs. As you’ve invested time and effort into building your enterprise, it’s essential to plan ahead for your eventual departure. This book delves into various exit strategies, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize the value of your business.

Small Business Exit Lessons is a critical guide for small business tech entrepreneurs on a topic they often fail to consider: developing an exit mindset. This book helps business founders and owners set up, grow, and run their businesses, ever mindful of the exit plan to successfully license or sell their company.

Read this book to start, grow, and sell your business or license your technology.

Serial Entrepreneur and Business Coach

Proven Success in Founding, Investing, and Growing Businesses Globally

Shahriar (Shahri) Naghshineh emigrated to the United States as a student from Iran in 1979. He had received his civil engineering degree from Birmingham University in England. In 1982, he received his master’s degree in chemical engineering from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Shahri has founded, cofounded, and operated as president of five tech businesses. He has mentored and consulted with other startups.

He enjoys speaking, mentoring, and consulting with tech entrepreneurs, especially helping them to grow profitable businesses and plan their own successful exits. Shahri continues to pursue new business opportunities.

Shahri Naghshineh
Dolores Laputka Norris McLaughlin Attorneys at Law

Having had the pleasure of working with Shahri Naghshineh for more than 20 years, I’ve found he brings a unique, 360-degree perspective to business transactions because of his skills in both the scientific arena as well as business. Importantly, in his adventures, he also nurtured the human component of operating his businesses, discovering the importance of engaging human capital without sacrificing control.

Wayne K. Barz Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania

One of those mistakes Shahri avoided on venture #2 was taking on significant outside investor capital and sharing board control. Another was developing inter- nal manufacturing capacity. These decisions worked out great as he navigated venture #2 to another successful exit and avoided the many complications outside capital and capital intensive manufacturing can present.

Pat Clasen EcoTech

Shahri is an entrepreneur and innovator who has always been generous with his advice and perspective. His proven track record and successful business exits give credibility to his words, and I've always found his insight into our business at EcoTech helpful.

Paul Hodges Soltech

When I first met Shahri our startup was at a point where we had a strong and innovative idea, but we were having trouble getting the traction we needed to reach the next level of growth. Shahri immediately recognized our potential and graciously offered his time and expertise which were crucial in providing us the lessons we needed to start reaching our financial goals. To do this day we continue to rely on his insight and count him as one of our closest and oldest advisors.

Matthew D. Healy, PhD Founder, RowChem LLC

Shahri has the unique capability to combine a broad curiosity about technology with an intense focus on finding exploitable market niches. In his way of thinking, finding a niche is just the first step. He then sifts through the details of disruption, competition, IP, profitability, end customer motivation to change, and current vs. future market size. Only the rare niche survives that analysis, but the ones that do are gems. Shahri is tirelessly noncommittal to ideas that are part way through that analysis, sometimes to the despair of his colleagues. My advice is to listen to him.